(2) Better winning percentage in all games among the tied teams.(1) Division winner (this criterion is applied regardless of whether the tied teams are in the same division).In the case of a tie in regular-season records involving more than two teams, the following criteria will be utilized in the following order: (7) Better net result of total points scored less total points allowed against all opponents ("point differential").ī.(6) Better winning percentage against teams eligible for playoffs in opposite conference (including teams that finished the regular season tied for a playoff position).(5) Better winning percentage against teams eligible for playoffs in own conference (including teams that finished the regular season tied for a playoff position).

(4) Better winning percentage against teams in own conference.(3) Better winning percentage against teams in own division (only if tied teams are in same division).(2) Division winner (this criterion is applied regardless of whether the tied teams are in the same division).(1) Better winning percentage in games against each other.In the case of a tie in regular-season records involving only two teams, the following criteria will be utilized in the following order: below (in the case of ties involving more than two teams), and the guidelines set forth in subparagraph c. below (in the case of ties involving two teams) and subparagraph b. Ties for playoff positions (including division winners) will be broken utilizing the criteria set forth in subparagraph a. Looks at the opponents for your remaining games, their winning percentage on the road or at home, and whether or not either team is on the second night of a back to back. (1) Division leader wins tie from team not leading a division.(3) Division won-lost percentage for teams in the same division.(2) Division leader wins tie from team not leading a division.(-) Tie breaker not needed (better overall winning percentage).